Grand Champion Hawk Mountain Ranch Cookies and Cream Pie PBA Registration Number: 13-58F Color: Black Fleece: White Type B Sire: HMR Hot Dog (10-32M) Type B Black Fleece Dam: HMR Cherry Pie (06-224F) Type B White Fleece
2016 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival Sr Champion Doe and Grand Champion Doe - Retired from Breeding
Quail Hollow Farm Gingersnap PBA Registration Number 15-98F Color: White Type B Fleece Sire: Mithril Farm Mellon (11-20M) Medium Grey Agouti Type B fleece Sire: HMR Cookies and Cream Pie (13-58F) Black with White Type B Fleece
2016 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival Autumn Pygora Fleece Show: Reserve Champion Doe Fleece
Quail Hollow Farm Angel Cake PBA Registration Number: 17-31F Color: Carmel with a Caramel Type B Fleece Sire: Applebright Farm Hawthorne (14-10M) Caramel Type C Fleece Dam: Hawks Mountain Ranch Jelly Roll (15-36F) Light Grey Type A Fleece
Took first place in the 6-12 month old doe kid class at the 2017 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival
Washington County Fair 2018: Champion Junior Doe and Reserve Grand Champion Doe
Reserve Grand Champion Quail Hollow Farm Eclair PBA Registration Number: 16-38F Color: Brown Caramel Fleece: Brown Type B Sire: Mithril Farm Vellon (12-19M), Type B Dark Grey Fleece Dam: Grand Champion HMR Jelly Donut (13-81F) Black Agouti with a Dark Brown Type A Fleece 2016 Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival Pygora Goat Show: Quail Hollow Farm Eclair, Jr. Champion Doe and Reserve Grand Champion Doe
Two Time Grand Champion Doe and One Time Grand Champion Fleece: Hawks Mountain Ranch Jelly Roll PBA Registration Number 15-36F Color: Grey Agouti with Grey Type A fleece. Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Boomerang (12-23M) Type A Brown Agouti Fleece Dam: Hawks Mountain Ranch Jelly Donut (13-81F) Black with a Brown Type A fleece
2015 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival Champion Jr Doe
2016 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival Autumn Pygora Fleece Show Champion Doe Fleece and Grand Champion Fleece
2018 Washington County Fair: Senior Champion Doe and Grand Champion Doe 2019 Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival Pygora Goat Show: Champion Senior Doe and Grand Champion Doe
Hawks Mountain Ranch Daphne PBA Registration Number 16-41F Color White Type A White Fleece Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Boomerang (12-23M) Brown Agouti Type A Fleece Dam: HMR Binky (08-119F) White Type B Fleece
Grand Champion Doe and Grand Champion Fleece:
Hawks Mountain Ranch Jelly Donut PBA Registration Number 13-81F Black Agouti with a Dark Brown Type A Fleece Sire: HMR AJ's Mahogany (10-36M) White Type A Fleece Dam: HMR Donut (09-49F) Medium Grey Agouti 2015 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival Champion Senior Doe and Grand Champion Doe 2017 Washington County Fair Fair Reserve Champion Sr. Doe
2017 Oregon Flock and Fiber Fesitval Autumn Pygora FleeceShow Champion Doe Fleece and Grand Champion Fleece - Retired from Breeding
In Memoriam, Forever in our Hearts - Quail Hollow Farm Caramel Cream Puff PBA Registration Number 20-4F Brown Craramel Doe Born 02/29/2020 Dam: Reserve Grand Champion Quail Hollow Farm Eclair (16-38F) Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Jasper (16-13M)
We lost Cream Puff on 12/5/2020
Grand Champion Quail Hollow Farm Poppyseed
PBA Registration Number 18-29F
Solid Black Doe With Brown Type A Fleece
Born 03/21/2018
Dam: Reserve Grand Champion Quail Hollow Farm Eclair (16-38F) Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Jasper (16-13M) 2018 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival Reserve Champion Jr Doe 2019 Washington Co. Fair Pygora Goat Show Champion Jr. Doe and Grand Champion Doe
Hawks Mountain Ranch Whimsies PBA Registration Number: 16-112F Brown Agouti Doe with Brown Type B Fleece Born: 03/24/2016 Dam: Hawks Mountain Ranch Whimsicle (07-70F) Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Boomerang 12-23M
Hawks Mountain Ranch Roxy PBA Registration Number: 19-128F Brown Agouti Doe with a Brown Type B Fleece Born: 03/23/2019 Dam: Hawks Mountain Ranch Wilma (14-96F) Brown Agouti Doe with a Brown Type B Fleece Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Hot Sauce (15-30M)
Quail Hollow Farm Brownie PBA Registration Number: 21-72F Dark Brown Caramel Doe with a Brown Type B Fleece Born: 03/25/2021 Dam: Reserve Grand Champion Quail Hollow Farm Eclair (16-38F) Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Jasper (16-13M)
Quail Hollow Farm Twinkie PBA Registration Number: 21-71F White Doe with a White Type A Fleece Born: 04/05/2021 Dam: Reserve Grand Champion Quail Hollow Farm Angel Cake (17-31F) Sire: Hawks Mountain Ranch Jasper (16-13M)